Time Anambas:

Flight to Anambas

The flight to Anambas departs 2-3 times per week and returns about one hour after touching down in Anambas. The plane only seats a few dozen passengers, so it makes sense to book your tickets in advance.

The flight time is about one hour, so if your holiday isn't that long, then it's best to go by air instead of by the ferry to Anambas.
 The plane toAnambas 
 Aerial image ofAnambas 
That being said, do keep in mind that, luggage allowance is just 10 kg. So if you're a windsurfer or a kite-boarder on a tight budget and you're bringing your equipment to Anambas, then the ferry may be a better choice. Still, excess luggage fee is pretty paltry, so all told, the plane is probably a better option for most travelers.

The Anambas airport is in Letung and you can fly to Letung from Batam, located just off Singapore, or from Jakarta. This flight operates Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. (If you're departing from Jakarta, just replace Batam.) Ticket cost should be around 1,500,000 Indonesian Rupiah for a one-way ticket or 3,000,000 Rupiah for a roundtrip, although it can be higher during peak season: .

For more info on the flight to Anambas, including the current ticket price, departure time, etc, just submit the form below.

Or book direct from Sky Scanner

 Descending intoAnambas 
 Final approach toLetung Airport 

Amazing Islands


Anambas Inn


January 1 - December 31